Doctor Who is full of companions – the characters who meant the most to their respective Doctors – so here are all the Doctor Who companions in order. Modern Doctor Who has introduced much to the franchise's canon, including the Time War, River Song, and the word «fam». But among the various additions comes the idea that each incarnation of The Doctor has a companion they're most attached to. Whether via a romance angle, a pre-regeneration dream sequence, or preferential treatment, new Doctors unquestionably play favorites with their companions.
Although it may not have been as explicit, this isn't actually a new phenomenon. The tradition of each Doctor having a «true» companion traces back all the way to William Hartnell and is consistently present throughout the decades. Interestingly, the reasons and qualifications are rarely the same. Some of the following companions were selected by virtue of being the best of a bad bunch, others because of their longevity, and some because of certain story developments that raised them above other companions of their era.
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The question boils down to this: if each regeneration of The Doctor could only travel with one of their companions for all eternity, which one would it be? Here is the full Doctor Who companions list.
William Hartnell's First Doctor was blessed with a trio of companions when Doctor Who debuted in 1963, but while Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright played their part, it was Susan (probably not her real name in hindsight) who laid the blueprint for a traditional Doctor Who companion. Although not shown on-screen, taking Susan along while fleeing Gallifrey is a clear sign