Doctor Who casts Heartstopper star Yasmin Finney as the new Rose companion character for the long-running show's 60th anniversary. Originally created by Sydney Newman, C.E. Webber and Donald Wilson, the BBC series revolves around the titular extraterrestrial Time Lord as he ventures throughout the universe in his time-traveling space ship the TARDIS with a companion. Throughout the series, Doctor Who finds himself pitted against a variety of enemies, mostly notably the Daleks, their creator Davros, the Cybermen and The Master.
With nearly 60 years under its belt, Doctor Who has seen multiple actors lead as the titular hero, explained in the series by his consciousness transferring into a new body when the current one is too badly harmed to heal normally. Some of the actors known for portraying The Doctor have included William Hartnell, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. After portraying the role for three seasons, Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor, is departing the series and now the cast is growing for Doctor Who's future.
Related: Every Doctor & Companion Who Should Return For Doctor Who's 60th Anniversary
On the heels of casting the show's new titular star, Doctor Who is expanding its cast for its 60th anniversary with the addition of Yasmin Finney. The Heartstopper alum is set to star in the new series as a Rose companion character, though it's currently unclear whether it is a different version of Billie Piper's iconic companion or a new character with the same name. Production on the next season of Doctor Who is expected to begin later this year with an unspecified 2023 premiere date eyed.
The name Rose may catch some Doctor Who fans' attention given one of the more iconic of