When it comes to picking who to take with you on missions, it can get pretty difficult. Disgaea 6 has about 40 characters to choose from, with roughly half of them being named or unique. Majolene is one of the last characters you will unlock, but she also just so happens to be one of the best.
Related: Beginner Tips For Disgaea 6
The main cast in every Disgaea game is overpowered by nature, but Disgaea 6 seems to push that notion even further. With the likes of Zed, Melodia, and Piyori forming a solid foundation, it’s hard to imagine any character competing. That is where Majolene steps in - an all-around brilliant inclusion.
Majolene is an elderly woman trapped in the body of a 12-year-old magical school girl. If this sounds like a questionably legal trope - well, worry not - Disgaea 6 plays this off for laughs. Majolene is an entertaining member of the team, and she pulls her weight narratively, and mechanically.
Majolene is ridiculously strong. That is all you have to know. But let’s go a bit deeper than that. Majolene is a mage (similar to Melodia) who is capable of supporting the team and dealing staggering amounts of damage at the same time. She is a force multiplier combined with a boss deleter - and it’s marvellous to behold.
Majolene has several weapons she is good with, but only ONE weapon is worth taking.
Majolene is the only named character (so far) that has a natural S Rank in a weapon. This alone should be reason enough to pack a Staff on her, as she gains so much raw power from using one. There are other reasons too, which will get into right about now.
Related: Disgaea 6 - Super Reincarnation Guide
Majolene has two unique evilities, and they are:
Magical Girls is the REAL reason you take a Staff.
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