Against all odds, the Digimon franchise has managed to remain relevant, even two decades after it first debuted. While this wouldn't be overly impressive for most franchises, Digimon originally aired just one year after Pokemon, and has somehow managed to survive right alongside it for the last 25 years. A lot of Digimon's successes have revolved around the series' range of video games, with Digimon Survive being the most recent title in a surprisingly long history.
Released just a few weeks ago, Digimon Survive is the most recent Digimon video game, though it's far from being the series' first. With the franchise first debuting in 1997, it didn't take too long before video game adaptations would start hitting store shelves, with Digimon World being the first big tie-in title. Since then, there have been several Digimon video game series, each forming their own subfranchise to fill a certain niche, and the case for Digimon Survive to form a new subfranchise is strong.
Digimon Survive's Endings Explained
When it comes to Digimon's long 20-year history in the video game industry, there are two main series that stick out in fans' minds: Digimon World and Digimon Story. While both Digimon World and Digimon Story share some similar mechanics, most of which take direct inspiration from Pokemon, both have their fair share of unique elements and mechanics that make each worthwhile in their own right.
Digimon World, as a series, has often fallen into the open-world RPG category, where players take on the role of a Digimon Tamer as they explore the Digital World and face off against a variety of threats. The Digimon World series tends to put an emphasis on training over anything else. Players will often be raising their Digimon