Digivolution is one of the cornerstones of the Digimon franchise, and this remains true in Digimon Survive. Digivolution is the premier way to increase the stats of your digital pals - it'll increase their stats, give them upgraded attacks to use in battle, and will even grant them superior passive skills to take advantage of the turn-based strategy battle system.
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In Digimon Survive, there are two ways that digimon end up evolving. One method is used by the partner digimon, who find themselves thrust into the game's narrative attached to one of the human kids who fall into the digital world, and one is for the free digimon that you recruit through your conversational skills.
Digivolving one of your partner digimon in this game is a reversible, temporary process - in battle, you can hit the Evolution button and select the digivolution you desire. At the end of the battle, the digimon will revert to their Rookie forms.
Sustaining an evolution will drain a digimon's SP every turn - keep a good stock of SP recovery items if you want to keep digivolutions sustained long-term. Alternatively, you can revert back to your Rookie form once you've beaten the hardest foes or need to spend a few turns moving across the map.
Unlocking new digivolutions is something locked to the game's story - each digimon will only get a new digivolution to use based on the story beats you hit. In addition, some digivolutions are locked behind certain Affinity or route requirements. If you fail to unlock a certain partner's final digivolutions, try making a more concerted effort to raise the associated character's Affinity, or simply play through the game again on a different route.
Agumon, the main
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