Twin Engine, the Japanese production company behind such beloved anime as 2019’s Dororo and Vinland Saga, unveiled the first trailer for the feature-length Mononoke film on Friday. While the plot of the movie is still unknown, the trailer boasts a montage of snippets that boast the return of the series’ psychedelic Ukiyo-e inspired visuals and setting.
Produced in 2007, the supernatural mystery anime Mononoke follows the adventures of a mysterious protagonist known only as the “Medicine Seller” who travels across Edo-era Japan exorcizing demons who feed on negative human emotions. Directed by Kenji Nakamura (Tsuritama) and written by Chiaki J. Konaka (Serial Experiments Lain, The Big O), the anime has amassed a cult following among anime fans for its flamboyant avant-garde animation and art style.
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』 2024年<夏>公開決定 ◣_________◢ 薬売り―― 絢爛豪華な大奥に現る。 新ビジュアル&特報解禁!<a href=«» https:>#薬売り 役は <a href=«» https:>#神谷浩史 さん⚖ ▽公式HP<a href=«» https:>#mononoke
Initially announced for 2023 release, the feature-length Mononoke film was delayed following the announcement that the role of the Medicine Seller, originally voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, would be recast to better reflect “the standpoint of the series” in the wake of the scandal concerning Sakurai’s extramarital affair. The role of the Medicine Seller will now be voiced by Hiroshi