There are 12 endings in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, though only two of them can be attained through a player’s first playthrough. Others require using the “Time Egg,” an item acquired at the start of New Game+. Like Chrono Trigger, the extra endings all have specific requirements for unlocking them, and here’s how to do all of them.
This article does contain spoilers for the endings of Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
When playing Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, players will inevitably come into contact with the final boss, the Time Devourer. A fearsome force of nature, it’s a challenging encounter, and there’s a specific way it must be beaten if players want the True Ending.
In a first playthrough, players can only get the Normal (Bad) ending or the True (Good) Ending for the game. It all depends on how the player approaches the fight. On top of that, several other endings are available, depending on when the player uses the Time Egg on Opassa Beach in NG+ mode.
Here’s everything players need to be aware of when playing Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
This is much harder to do than the Normal/Bad ending. The player has to defeat the Time Devourer, but not before using an Element of each type in a particular pattern, then the Chrono Cross. That will instantly defeat the boss. However, this is hard because the boss may cast a spell interrupting the pattern. Then the player has to start again.
Use an element of each of these in order, activate the Chrono Cross, and enjoy the ending without interruption.
The normal ending for Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is bad. Just defeat the Time Devourer by damaging it, and don’t activate the Chrono Cross. Only do this when it’s