The classically cute Netflix Anime, Carole and Tuesday, tells the tale of two seventeen-year-old girls chasing their musical dream. Carole is an Earth-born orphaned refugee, whereas Tuesday is hiding from her pampered life where her politician mother controls her every move. Together, they venture into the music industry, meeting a plethora of quirky characters along the way, as some of the only artists left who don't rely on AI to make music.
Not many shows can boast a cast so full of LGBTQ+ characters, and Carole and Tuesday should be commended for their efforts in multi-cultural representation. Sadly, appears that most of these LGBTQ-inspired personae fall on the villainous side of the moral scale and display offensive seterotypes in their actions.
X-Gender: A Closer Look at Your Favorite Non-Binary Anime Character
Gus has evidently been in show business for many years and has managed to gather an impressive group of talented contacts, and when Carole and Tuesday need some help with hair and make-up, Gus knew just who to call. Marie would be perfect for the job, but first, the politics must be put to rest! Once upon a time, Gus and Marie were married, but is it unclear what caused their break up. Viewers assume that Gus is to blame, wtih his non-chalant attitude coupled with a musician's lifestyle, however, Marie admits to struggling with internal conflict, suspected to revolve around her sexuality.
Marie finds love again in the form of a costume designer named Annie, and the couple plan to get hitched. It is, however, heart-warming to see that, despite everything, Gus and Marie still share a beautiful connection with no resentment, and Marie even goes out of her way to assist her ex-husband's prodigies with their make-up