Phantump was released to Pokémon Go during the second half of the Halloween Mischief event. For Halloween Mischief Part 2: Ghoulish Pals, Phantump would have an increased chance to spawn, giving you an ample opportunity to capture it and add it to your collection. Following this event, Phantump will appear in other events throughout the game. When you’re out searching for this Pokémon, what are the chances you can catch a shiny Phantump?
Unfortunately, with the Halloween Mischief event being Phantump’s debut, it will not have a shiny version available. For veteran players, this is a typical occurrence. The shiny version never releases when a Pokémon appears for the first time in Pokémon Go. Niantic does this every time and reserves the shiny version for a future event.
We don’t know when the shiny version for Phantump will come out. We can expect it to likely happen next year, though. Niantic typically waits a year or two before unveiling the shiny version, giving everyone a second chance to find Phantump in the wild with increased spawns.
When searching for Phantump, it will vary depending on the event. We recommend searching in the wild, in Field Research tasks, or seeing if it’s available in one-star raids.