The Boruto series is a continuation of Naruto, set years after in an era of peace forged by the sacrifices of the shinobi during the Fourth Great Ninja War. The series follows the story of Boruto Uzumaki, Naruto's son, as he aims to fight his destiny and become a great ninja worthy of supporting the future Hokage. Over the years, Boruto has only grown in popularity and the story has gotten even deeper with time, adding further depth to the characters and even expanding upon the lore from the Naruto series.
With Kishimoto also working on the series, it is no surprise that Boruto has a grip over most of the Naruto fans who have, with time, come to appreciate the new protagonist quite a lot. Boruto Uzumaki's journey might not be filled with as many hardships as his father, but it is a journey worth witnessing nonetheless.
The Truth About Boruto Fans Need To Hear
Although Boruto Uzumaki was described as a genius ninja, unlike his father in the old days, from the very beginning of the series, the story took a quick turn when he, of all people, was turned into a vessel for Momoshiki Otsutsuki. Playing a part in Momoshiki's fall, Boruto ended up bearing his tremendous power through Karma, however, this power came at a great cost. While the strength that it offered in times of need was, without a doubt, immense, it slowly extracted Momoshiki's data within Boruto's body, turning him more into an Otsutsuki with time. By the end of the process, Boruto Uzumaki would become a full-fledged Otsutsuki and allow Momoshiki Otsutsuki to resurrect once again with a perfect body capable of handling all his power.
Boruto: Ways Baryon Mode Is Naruto's Strongest Power
Quite clearly, this power of Boruto's is, in a way, comparable to that of Naruto