In 2012, Daniel Espinosa directed Safe House, an action thriller starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. In this feature, Reynolds portrays an up-and-coming CIA officer who has to protect a rogue agent named Tobin Frost (Denzel), who turns himself into the agency after retrieving a thumb drive containing vital, classified information that would expose corruption in the CIA.
The film doesn't necessarily offer anything new in the spy and espionage drama, but Denzel and Reynolds portray hardened, no-nonsense protagonists who start out as rivals but develop a complicated and convincing partnership to expose shady members of the agency. This thriller also contains plenty of action, including some physically intense fight scenes, fast-paced car chases, and shootouts.
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Denzel Washington is mostly known for starring in films involving action and drama, so he's right at home in this thriller. While his role here as Tobin Frost can be viewed as an anti-hero who strives to do what he believes is right, he is also a deadly killer who can fight and eliminate anyone who crosses him. Frost is upfront about his identity because he recognizes all the wrong he's done in his career, and the sins he's committed by murdering innocent people.
On the other hand, Ryan Reynolds has been seen mostly in romantic comedies, but this feature gives the funny Deadpool actor an opportunity to display his emotional and dramatic side. As Matt Weston, Reynolds is a tough rookie CIA agent who is determined to get out on the field. When multiple agents are gunned down at his safe house, Matt manages to escape, but his inexperience causes him to stumble multiple times in the story.
Matt tries to prove his