InBatman: Arkham Knight, the reveal of the Arkham Knight's identity is one of the game's biggest twists, but its impact is somewhat ruined by revelations from the Batman: Arkham Knight comics. Unlike in DC Comics and the upcoming Gotham Knights, where Jason Todd is killed by the Joker and subsequently resurrected, the Arkhamverse's version of the second Robin is captured by the Joker and subsequently tortured. The Joker films these torture sessions and sends videos of them to Batman as a way of taunting him. After six months of torture, the Joker finally ends his video series by shooting Jason Todd in the chest, leading Batman to believe that his protégé had been killed.
However, it is later revealed that the Joker had made Jason Todd wear body armor during the shooting, and that he had indeed survived. In this way, Batman: Arkham Knight's version of Red Hood/Jason Todd differs considerably from more traditional versions of his story, where the Joker goes through with murdering him and he is later resurrected. In Batman: Arkham Knight, the Joker lets Jason Todd live, but brainwashes him into believing that he was abandoned by Batman, convincing him to reveal Batman's secret identity as Bruce Wayne before letting him go. Instead of going straight from his role as the second Robin to becoming the vigilante, Red Hood, Jason Todd takes on the moniker of The Arkham Knight, and is hellbent on taking revenge against Batman for abandoning him and leaving him behind to be tortured and brainwashed.
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The unexpected twist helped propel the game's already impressive story into the successful final chapter it has become, helping Batman: Arkham Knight earn many rave reviews. While the