Bill Hader's dark comedy series Barry has become a staple within HBO's catalog. The comedic crime series first premiered in 2018 and has found tremendous success following its debut. The performances from the series' colorful cast of characters are highly regarded, as Hader has won 2 Primetime Emmys for his lead role in the series, and Henry Winkler has earned an Emmy for his supporting role as Monroe Fuches. Over the years, Stephen Root, Anthony Carrigan, and Sarah Goldberg have also received Emmy nominations for their supporting roles.
The Emmy-winning HBO series has a lot going for it. The composition of the dark comedy's action sequences is worthy of celebration, as is Barry's comedic timing. Sometimes, its comedic label leaves viewers scratching their heads, as Barry travels through some excruciatingly painful circumstances. If there is a character that has routinely brought a smile to the faces of Barry viewers, it's NoHo Hank.
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Justifiably, NoHo Hank has become a fan favorite. The eccentric character was first introduced in Barry's 2018 pilot, «Chapter One: Make Your Mark.» Hank was originally the right hand of Goran Pazar (Glenn Fleshler), the leader of the Chechen mob. Pazar had recently discovered his wife was cheating on him with Ryan Madison, an aspiring actor, and hired Fuches and Barry to kill him. In their initial meeting to lay out the necessities of the hit, Hank's comedic presence almost immediately steals the scene. His comedic timing not only carries over into all of his Barry scenes, but when paired with his overtly fashionable ensembles, he becomes even more of a delight on a series that can grow grim rather