Barbie, the upcoming film based on the beloved toy line, has officially been given the same release date period as Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer. Oscar-nominated Lady Bird and Little Women director Greta Gerwig is helming the film, which will be the first live-action adaptation of the eponymous doll for Warner Bros. Studios. The first official image of Margot Robbie as Barbie was recently released at CinemaCon 2022, which showed Robbie's titular character sporting a smile and driving her signature pink convertible.
The Barbie project, which has been in development for years, is being billed as a romantic comedy. It features an all-star cast including Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken, along with America Ferrera, Simu Liu, Kate McKinnon, and Will Ferrell in so-far unknown supporting roles, to name a few. Gerwig was confirmed as Barbie's director in 2021, while Marriage Story director Noah Baumbach will co-write the script. However, while its star-studded cast has already received high praise, plot details for the Barbie movie have been kept under wraps. Now, however, the film has a release date.
Related: Margot Robbie's Barbie Movie Sounds Much Better Than Anyone Expected
According to a tweet from Exhibitor Relations Co., the Barbie release date is reported to be July 21, 2023. This puts the film in the same release window as Nolan's highly-anticipated Oppenheimer. The tweet playfully detailed the match-up between the two films as "BARBIE VS THE BOMB," referring to Oppenheimer centering around the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. See the full tweet below:
WB is opening the doors to BARBIE's dreamhouse July 21, 2023, where it will show against Christopher Nolan's OPPENHEIMER. BARBIE VS THE