Gundam is probably Bandai Namco's most widely recognized franchise with successful anime, physical merchandise, and video games under its name. Gundam pioneered the concept of using visual media to sell mecha models known as Gunpla. Although Gundam is more popular in Japan than in the West, the contribution that the franchise has brought to the mecha genre and later American cartoons is undeniable. The influence of this franchise is such that it's growing strong even today, and as Bandai Namco looks into ambitious projects, Gundam looks like the prime candidate for a foray into novelty.
In February, Bandai Namco announced a $140 million investment into an «IP Metaverse.» It's only a month later that fans would come to find that the mystery IP in question for this Metaverse project was none other than Gundam. This virtual platform plans to fuse physical and digital Gundam content on a single virtual space with an official «The Gundam Base Gunpla Colony Store» virtual space testing in the fall before launching in 2023, aiming to operate a large-scale Metaverse by 2025. If certain details provided from the various press conferences held about the Gundam Metaverse sound familiar, it's because they sound a lot like a bona fide VR version of Roblox on paper, with mecha instead of blocky avatars.
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Roblox is a creative sandbox game first launched in 2006 by the Roblox Corporation, which has recently overtaken Activision Blizzard as the most valuable gaming company. This rise in popularity is partly thanks to the game's meme status which is largely driven by user-generated content. Roblox provides players of all ages with programming tools in Roblox Studio that users can use to make