Baki and Kengan Ashura are iconic series within the martial arts genre. Both shows feature inhumanely strong martial artists that strive to achieve different objectives, ranging from lofty goals like being the «Strongest Man on Earth» to fighting for the protection of corporate rights.
Baki and Kengan Ashura are often compared due to their similarities, leading fans to assume that the author of Kengan Ashura got inspiration from the Baki series before creating his unique version. Viewers often debate on the martial arts show that is superior between Baki and Kengan Ashura; however, considering different factors and aspects of both series is necessary for a close-to-accurate decision.
Baki: Best Fights In The Anime (So Far)
Baki’s storyline tends to be a bit simplistic, starring a teenage boy with the goal of defeating his all-powerful father, revered as the «World's Strongest Creature.» Besides the show's main premise, there is little character development, especially among characters. In Baki, there is no refreshing or distinct narrative apart from the main narrative, making the show's plot borderline monotonous and straightforward. Every martial artist in Baki has one goal: To Be the Strongest. While this is an interesting narrative, there are only a few occasions where characters fight for other reasons.
On the other hand, Kengan Ashura adopts Baki's tournament-based style, but the reasons behind each fight are different and more interesting compared to Baki. Kengan Ashura features a storyline involving the conclusion of business contracts by using gladiator-based tournaments, which has been the routine for the characters since the Edo Period. Also, the plot mirrors reality, even though it’s a bit exaggerated. This makes