The Legend of Zelda franchise has been around for more than 35 years, and over that time, numerous classic games starring Link have been released. Among the more odd entries in the series was Majora’s Mask. As a sequel to the classic Ocarina of Time for the N64, the game went in a darker direction as it detailed the impending destruction of the world by the moon.
In a post on TikTok, a user named Gracie, also known as veganpastrychef, shared a video of a pie they baked based onMajora’s Mask. The pastry was especially interesting because the creator had managed to recreate the titular mask worn by Skull Kid in the game. Design details included haunting yellow eyes and sharp colored spikes. In addition, the pie had the same distinct crimson coloration of the mask seen in the classic N64 title. “I bit off a bit more than I could chew with this one,” they quipped when posting the design to TikTok.
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Beyond showing off the finished Majora's Mask pie, Gracie detailed the process of baking the dessert. According to the video, they started by cutting out the shape from the dough used to make the pie. Additional strips of dough were then sliced and added to fill in the details of the design, such as the signature eyes and spikes of the mask. This was followed by painting the pie using presumably different shades of food coloring. After completing the dessert, they even cut it open, revealing the edible vegan contents inside.
i bit off a bit more than i could chew with this one #zelda #vegan #pie
Unsurprisingly, this impressive Majora’s Mask pie baked by Gracie caught the attention of numerous fans of The Legend of Zelda series. Since posting the video to TikTok, it has