Blizzard has released a new blog update for Overwatch 2, and the developer is clearly dissatisfied with the game's current state.
The post from the game's new executive producer, Jared Neuss, acknowledges that the team isn't satisfied with how everything feels right now and that they are now looking at opportunities for improvement that they need to focus on.
Many of these future improvements will address queue issues, with Blizzard currently investigating ways to change the game's approach to its Support Heroes' queue in order to alleviate the long waiting periods that many players have been experiencing.
Support Heroes have traditionally not been the most popular choice, with the majority of players preferring to play as Tank or DPS characters. Since they can queue for each of these three roles separately, the queues for Tank and Damage characters are generally longer, and thus the wait to play is increased as well.
According to Blizzard, while there is no silver bullet for this issue, they have several ideas they hope to experiment with in future seasons of Overwatch 2. This includes suggestions for making Support roles more fun and rewarding for players to play. However, the developers have not detailed exactly what these ideas are.
Blizzard is also talking about targeted Support Hero rework, game UI system updates, and even some role-wide changes to improve a Support's quality of life.
While there are no long-term changes noted in this update regarding queue times, Blizzard said they will experiment with its Battle Pass XP rewards for players who queue for either the Support or All roles in the short term.
They have stated that in most cases, queues for Support roles are less than a minute. This has also made Overwatch