Abbott Elementary star Tyler James Williams teases intriguing details for season 2. Quinta Brunson created the mockumentary sitcom, which revolves around the eponymous, predominantly Black, underfunded Philadelphian school. Brunson leads that cast as Janine Teagues, an optimistic second-grade teacher who, despite the harsh conditions at the school, is determined to improve the lives of her students. Starring alongside her are Williams, Janelle James, Lisa Ann Walter, Chris Perfetti, and Sheryl Lee Ralph, with Iyana Halley, Zack Fox, and Reggie Hayes appearing in recurring roles. Abbott Elementary has been a success for ABC, both in terms of critical response and viewership. The show nabbed six Emmy nods this awards season, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that ABC was quick to renew Abbott Elementary for season 2.
Now, in an interview in Deadline, Williams has previewed some details for the show's upcoming second outing. As the actor suggests, in season 2, the love triangle between Janine, Gregory (Williams), and Taylor (Halley) will get messier. Janine and Gregory will face the music of their decisions in their love lives, and an awkwardness will possibly develop between them as they realize they have feelings for each other but cannot be together. Read what James Williams said below.
“We ended the season with this timing issue, where you have Janine breaking up with Tareek but then at the same time Gregory is starting a thing with Taylor, Barbara’s daughter, and hopefully we can keep playing with that, the real life of it all, the push and pull that sometimes things just don’t line up.”
Related: Everything We Know About Abbott Elementary Season 2
While Janine and Taylor never really hit it off, the unspoken tensions