By Ash Parrish, a reporter who has covered the business, culture, and communities of video games for seven years. Previously, she worked at Kotaku.
EVO doesn’t start until August, but the best fighting game match of the year has already happened.
Dominique “SonicFox” McLean is a fighting games legend. They’ve won numerous tournaments in numerous games, including six EVO championships across five different titles. They are, unequivocally, one of the best fighting games players to have ever picked up a fight stick.
But apparently, Twitter user BradonNinjaaa was unaware of this. Because only a person who has either been completely absent from the fighting games scene for the last 10 years or is so thoroughly confident in their own abilities to the point of self-delusion would ever do to SonicFox what BradonNinjaa did — challenge them to Mortal Kombat.
Yesterday evening, SonicFox tweeted their excitement about participating in a celebrity chess tournament hosted by Apparently SonicFox, in addition to being God’s gift to fighting games, is also pretty good at chess, and they tweeted that they thought they had a decent chance to win the tournament.
For some unknown reason, SonicFox’s benign tweets about their chess skills angered BradonNinjaaa. He lashed out with an expletive-laden quote retweet saying that he had 11 years of fighting games experience and would “beat the mf breaks” off SonicFox.
Dear reader, if you’ve never heard anything about SonicFox, let me explain something to you. SonicFox is 25 years old, putting them firmly in the Gen Z cohort. Gen Z folks, SonicFox in particular, are the living embodiment of the phrase “fuck around and find out.” They are very good at what they do, talk a lot of shit