A Silent Voice, also known as Koe No Katachi, debuted in 2013 and ended in 2014 after releasing seven total manga volumes. The series was then adapted into a film in 2016, which went on to achieve worldwide acclaim. The film adaptation currently sits at a 95% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is ranked as the 15th greatest anime release of all time on MyAnimeList.net.
If the critics and the anime fans all love it, it has to be phenomenal, but how does the film compare to the original source material? Well, there are interesting differences, some more influential than others. For many readers and viewers, these differences are sure to change the way they see certain characters or certain events shown in the film.
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Both the film and the manga of A Silent Voice revolve around Shoya Ishida attempting to redeem himself for the way he relentlessly bullied Shouko Nishimiya when they were younger. The manga begins at an earlier point than the film and continues until it catches up with the film and onwards. In the manga, readers can see more of the dynamics between Shoya and the rest of his class before Shouko joins the class.
Even before Shouko is introduced, Shoya’s friends are growing apart from him and losing interest in his interests. The manga also shows Shoya’s transition more naturally from the bully he was in his childhood to the depressed, closed-off person he is in current times.
Besides the way the story begins, there are also some key differences in the rest of the story. The film focuses on Shoya growing closer to Shouko, punctuated by some pivotal moments throughout, like their trip to the amusement park with everyone, the fireworks festival where Shoya literally falls
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