This week, in the fifth chapter of Secrets of the First Ones — 9.2's main storyline, we spend some time with Bolvar Fordragon and his daughter, Taelia. Their relationship is an unusual one — for most of her life, Taelia believed her father was dead.
The following article contains spoilers from Chapter 5 of 9.2's main story campaign. IcecrownIn the raid finale cinematic for Icecrown Citadel, after Arthas's defeat, the ghost of his father — Terenas Menethil — appeared, to take his son away, and to share the information that the Scourge would become an even greater threat if no one took his son's place. «There must always be a Lich King.» At the time, Bolvar Fordragon, already forever changed by the torture he had endured in Icecrown, chose to sacrifice himself. As he took up the Helm of Domination, he had one last message for those he was leaving behind. «Tell them only that the Lich King is dead… And that Bolvar Fordragon died with him.»
Orphaned DaughterBy this time, Taelia was already in the care of Cyrus Crestfall — after her mother died when the Scourge hit Lordaeron, Bolvar sent his daughter to Kul Tiras to keep her safe. We met Taelia during the events of Battle for Azeroth, where she helped Jaina escape from prison before playing an important role in bringing the Kul Tirans into the Alliance. For most of her life, Taelia believed Bolvar had died a hero in Northrend. Though Anduin considered explaining the situation to her, he kept putting it off, and It was only recently that she learned the truth. During the events of the Shadowlands pre-patch, after Sylvanas Windrunner sent Mawsworn to kidnap Azeroth's leaders, Mathias Shaw rather indelicately let the fate of Taelia's father slip in front of her.