Last summer, the MCU debuted its first animated series – and its first anthology series – with the multiversal madness of What If...?. With such hypothetical premises as “What If… Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?” and “What If… T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?,” the show’s first season reimagined the events of the Infinity Saga. Now that the MCU is deep into the Multiverse Saga with the films and streaming shows of Phase Four, there are plenty of new story events for the second season of What If...? to draw from when it premieres in early 2023.
The second season of What If...? has the chance to explore a much darker character arc for Shang-Chi. In the mainline Earth-616 universe, Shang-Chi abandoned his family and moved to America to start a new life after reluctantly carrying out one hit on his father’s behalf. If he wasn’t so racked with guilt after that first kill, he would’ve stuck around and served Wenwu and the Ten Rings as a formidable assassin.
What If...?: Is 30 Minutes Long Enough To Tell These Stories?
In this potential timeline, with the help of his son, Wenwu could’ve taken down the fake Mandarin earlier. They still would’ve captured Trevor Slattery, but they might have also been able to fine-tune the Extremis virus. The episode could culminate in the showdown between Tony Stark and his arch-nemesis that fans were denied by Iron Man 3’s controversial Mandarin twist.
When the space-time continuum cracked open during the final battle of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter Parker came up with a solution to make everything go back to normal. He allowed Doctor Strange to go through with the original spell and wipe him from the memories of everybody on Earth. This sent the other Spider-Men and their villains back to