Genshin Impact 2.5 will feature the dangerous Golden Wolflord on the 12th floor of the Spiral Abyss.
This massive wolf can pose some serious issues for players. It does a ton of damage, flies high in the air, and applies a devastating corrosion effect that can drain HP through shields.
Players will need to play around this boss if they want to get all 12 stars in the Spiral Abyss during this rotation.
Genshin Impact's Golden Wolflord may seem impossible to defeat, but players can take advantage of its weaknesses to make this boss fight much easier.
With the right team setup, defeating this foe won't take too long, though its massive health bar can make faster Abyss runs grind to a halt.
Here are five big tips to defeat this boss:
Staying close to the Golden Wolflord is an easy way to take a ton of damage from its powerful sweep attacks.
If players have a strong ranged attacker like Ganyu, they can stay at a safe distance while dropping the wolf's health with powerful shots. This can make the boss fight much easier and save players a lot of stamina.
If players aren't careful, they may end up wasting their strongest attacks on the Golden Wolflord's shield, effectively nullifying their effects.
To avoid this, players should make sure to save their bursts for when they break its shield, as it will enter a phase where they can easily take it down.
The Golden Wolflord's addition to the current Abyss is no coincidence, as Sangonomiya Kokomi is also being featured in a rerun soon.
Kokomi is an incredible healer who can counteract the effects of the Golden Wolflord's devastating corrosion with ease. Having a healer can make this fight much easier, as players won't need to worry about the constant health drain from the boss.