Anyone attempting to start developing games as a beginner has a daunting task ahead of them. You need to pick a game engine, source or create art, produce music and sound effects, and of course, come up with the game idea. Luckily, Humble is currently running five bundles that can help get your game-making career of the ground.
Two of the most popular and well-supported 3D game engines are Unity and Unreal Engine. The Complete Unity/Unreal Engine Online Course bundle includes 41 items to get you comfortable using either engine, including how to make your first game, add multiplayer, turn it into an app, and even how to experience your creation in virtual reality. This bundle also covers 2D and 3D game development. The Complete Unity/Unreal Engine Online Course Bundle(Opens in a new window) costs $25 for all 41 items and ends in 13 days.
After working through that bundle, if you decide Unity is the game engine for you, then two more bundles will develop your skills yet further. The first is the Unity Tools bundle, which includes 26 items focused on making development easier in the engine through plug-in tools. They make building levels a faster process, more easily manage animation in your games, offer a wide-range of speacial effects including weather, lighting, fluid dynamics, and realistic damage, as well as help with dialog, story, and user interfaces. The Unity Tools Bundle(Opens in a new window) costs $30 for all 26 items and ends in 13 days.
The other Unity-focused bundle is called the Unity Arts bundle, and as you probably guessed, it offers a range of art assets and tools for creating your visuals. Twenty-eight items provide characters, animations, thousands of assets for world building (including a complete