As part of the Soulslike series, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is known for its harsh difficulty and challenging encounters. The game requires players to master many of its mechanics before they can progress in the story, and each boss poses a new type of challenge or twist on already established mechanics to test the player’s skill and patience.
These elements, paired with high health bars and massive damage output, make the bosses in the game extremely difficult to defeat. This article will rank five of the hardest bosses in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Guardian Ape is probably the biggest challenge players face after mastering the basics, since this boss basically requires them to relearn the mechanics of the game.
Parrying is not really effective against him because he takes very little posture damage. Apart from his, the monkey runs amok the entire arena, launching ranged attacks and quick melee jabs.
The reason this fight is really difficult is because players have to use the unreliable dodge mechanic to avoid his attacks and take some stabs at him when he is vulnerable. This is everything Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice players have been taught not to do in the game so far.
His second form is a bit more manageable as he starts using a sword and moves that make him vulnerable to heavy posture damage when parried.
Even long after his prime, the founder of the Ashina clan puts up a deadly fight. He has the strength to somehow bring fire into the arena to burn Wolf down and has some moves similar to his prime version, all of which are difficult to parry. If players try to step back and use their healing potion, he will chase them down and deal heavy damage, rendering the heal almost useless.
Once he is in the second phase, the boss