Gotham Knights is the latest entry in the Batman video game universe, featuring a brand new story revolving around four heroes, namely, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, and Robin, as they deal with the aftermath of Batman’s demise and try to restore order to the city.
Dick Grayson was the very first Robin before venturing off into Bludhaven and picking up his current identity as Nightwing in an attempt to grow out of the Bat’s shadow. Now, faced with Batman’s death, Nightwing must come to terms with his mentor’s demise and take on the criminal underworld of Gotham City.
Despite being able to freely switch between members in Gotham Knights, the skill points for character upgrades are limited as well as shared, so one must be very careful in picking out the abilities for their builds.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
Acting as an additional improvement to the already useful Nest ability, Nest Buffs Plus increases Nest damage by 150% and healing effects by an additional 100%, making it incredibly effective for crowd control.
This is mostly a multiplayer-focused skill, providing a boost to the entire team when active, and incredibly useful to have when playing with friends online.
In the single-player mode, the ability increases Nightwing’s resistance by 10%, and is quite useful for survival in the unforgiving streets of Gotham City.
Nightwing builds momentum faster than other characters, and this ability allows him to regenerate his momentum bar through combat, further increasing his combat prowess. In the multiplayer mode, your allies can also contribute to your momentum regeneration.
First impressions count, and what better way to introduce yourself to the criminals in Gotham City than to take on