The holidays are fast approaching and many Magic: The Gathering players are looking for powerful cards. With that in mind, Double Masters 2022 had several staples for a variety of formats - Commander, Modern, and Legacy in particular. You aren’t likely to see Standard cards here, but for other Eternal formats, Wizards of the Coast has some great selections in Double Masters 2022.
These cards are great not just because of their physical value, but for what they bring to whatever meta they’re a part of. Some are rarely reprinted, and some of these Magic: The Gathering cards are simply used in so many decks. So, their value and rarity are incredibly high. Here are some great choices for the best cards in MTG for Double Masters 2022.
Imperial Seal is one of the best Tutor cards in Magic: The Gathering, period. A 1-cost tutor that lets you find a card in your deck, and put it on top of your deck. That’s an amazing value. Sure, you have to put it on your deck, but you don’t have to reveal the card you chose.
This is the first time it's been reprinted since the original Portal: Three Kingdoms, as far as I can remember, other than the Judge Promo card. The low mana cost of this card makes it incredible, whether you’re running it in Commander, Legacy, or Vintage. It’s an amazing Magic: The Gathering card, without a doubt.
Commander players either love or hate this card and there’s very little in-between. A low-cost, high-power Magic: The Gathering card, it’s used in so many decks that people are starting to get tired of it. Since it’s in Double Masters 2022, it’s unlikely that it will see any kind of ban by the community, though.
A card that creates X Treasure Tokens when it comes into play, where X is the number of artifacts and