The Alien franchise has no shortage of talent at the helm in its history. With Ridley Scott directing the first installment and James Cameron creating an all-time great sequel, the franchise's lineage is nothing to sneeze at. When a young David Fincher stepped up as the director of Alien 3, it would seem on paper now that this would have been an indication of another great film. Constant rewrites and no consistent vision between writers, directors, and producers would make it just another forgotten sequel. But with even David Fincher disowning the film amid the production disaster that surrounded it, thirty years later, Alien 3 being considered a flop is only cemented.
As many fans of the Alien franchise knows, this film was such a disaster that even when creating the Alien quadrilogy box-set, Fincher wanted nothing to do with it. Not only did it change writers and directors multiple times, but there were reports from said writers, actors, directors, and even producers of the studio having massive control issues over the creative of the film and wanting to push it out as fast as possible. As a final product, this film isn't really the vision anyone had in mind. Instead, it's a mish-mash of everyone's vision which the creators attempted to make as cohesive as possible, leading to an okay film at best.
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This in itself seems like it would have been impossible, with Fox ordering a year's worth of re-shoots after seeing the original rough-cut of the film. But shockingly, it doesn't come off as a complete trash heap of an Alien movie. Most likely, this is because Fincher himself is very controlling over his films in the creative process, even with Alien 3 being his first