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Path of Exile player casually posts mind-blowing collection of ultra-rare and out-of-print items, including a ring there's only four copies of in the world

Someone decided to drop a live hand grenade in the Path of Exile subreddit yesterday when they posted a screenshot of one of the most incredible collections ever amassed in gaming.

Somehow, some way, user Present-Plankton-734 has put together a complete set of every discontinued or altered item that's ever been released in the game, the value of which can't be determined exactly—you aren't technically allowed to buy and sell PoE items for real money—but might be over $100,000.

Path of Exile came out in October of 2013, and about every four months or so they run a new league. Every league comes with a reset where everyone's characters are relegated to their eternal mode, Standard.

Most people who play PoE never mess around with Standard, preferring to stay where things are new and shiny. This makes it a graveyard of sorts, where innumerable characters, once loved, now languish never to be logged in again.

One quirk of Standard is that items aren't updated like they are in the leagues. If an item is patched, nerfed, or otherwise changed, this doesn't affect Standard.

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