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D&D's revised Monster Manual is tackling one of the game's biggest hangups—and adding a new menu of BBEGs: 'We wanted the Tarrasque to have some fighting buddies'

D&D is about to finish its big 2024 overhaul—and while I've got my opinions on the whole exercise, I've not been a complete curmudgeon about it.

I even happen to think the Dungeon Master's Guide is downright good, if a little surface-level, but hey—it's an introductory document, we can leave the specific advice for content creators and harrowing in-session arguments.

The 2024 Monster Manual, which'll arrive February 18, 2025 (yes, it is a little confusing) brings 85 new monsters to the table when compared to its 2014 counterpart.

What's more, the whole catalogue of mooks has been revised, as explained in a recent interview with Todd Kenreck hosted on D&D's YouTube channel.

Design lead Jeremy Crawford and senior designer F. Wesley Schneider went over the team's goals for this improved tome, and it's all honestly sounding quite good.

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