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Not only did FF14's controversial chatter Wuk Lamat rank 1st for words spoken in Dawntrail, 'Wuk Lamat' was the most-used phrase by the characters in 2nd and 3rd place, too

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail has a bit of a script issue—several, in fact—and while there were certainly moments I enjoyed quite a lot, it marks an otherwise low point for the MMO's otherwise sterling reputation for emotive and impactful storytelling.

Well, except for that one questline before Titan back in A Realm Reborn, but we don't talk about the Company of Heroes. Among the complaints, one of which I share, is that Wuk Lamat is given way, way too much screentime.

It's not even an indictment of the character herself, I actually happen to like her, conceptually—and I was broadly charmed by her in the expansion's first few hours—but the writing weighs her so heavily you get a little sick of her no matter how much of a cat person you are.

It's been known that Wuk Lamat has the most lines in the expansion's story by a long shot for a while—she has around 2,600, which is over 1,600 more lines than the next most verbose character in the script.

But a recent additional analysis by story sleuth turn_a_blind_eye/Rise Narukami on the game's subreddit has also revealed a new layer of overbearing.

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