Your Hideout is your sanctuary in , an important resource you'll return to repeatedly as you play through the endgame content.
The Hideout functions more or less like a fully customizable, always accessible town: it contains every crafting station possible in , along with an assortment of merchants and any decor you may decide to put down.
But it's not just an exercise in interior design: it's also crucial to certain endgame functions, including the Atlas of Worlds mapping system that you'll use to travel and progress.
But of course, before you start reaping the benefits of your Hideout, you'll have to unlock it. Thankfully, this is an uncomplicated process, and one that's hard to miss by the time you hit 's endgame. Here's everything you need to know about unlocking, owning, and operating your Hideout in . After completing the entirety of 's main quest through “,” you'll be directed to return to the Vaal Ziggurat and speak with Doryani for your next steps.
Do just that, and Doryani will introduce you to the Atlas of Worlds, which is basically 's endgame map. Your goal here is to clear the various nodes of the map of enemies, slowly but surely freeing each region of corruption, and ultimately saving the world.