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Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Day 3 Recap - Broodtwister Down, Evolving Raid Comps

Dratnos and Tettles are back with another series of Race to World First Daily Recap videos! These videos will be recorded daily after Liquid finishes raiding, meaning they should be released around 2am Pacific Time, near the start of the European guilds' day. Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into?

Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. Dratnos and Tettles (and Kalamazi briefly!) are back for another day of Race to World First Recapping!

Today's news is headlined by the eventual death of Broodtwister Ovinax, which lasted more than a hundred pulls before finally dying at the hands of Liquid.

The composition used by Liquid, Echo, and Method has been a continually evolving and fascinating topic, and Dratnos and Tettles go over all of the changes that were made to secure the kill for Liquid, as well as predictions for how Echo and Method may adapt to try and secure the kill on their third days as well!

Nexus Princess Ky'veza is up next for Liquid, and it looks like it may be an even tighter check than Ovinax, which was already extremely tight, being one of the earliest bosses in a raid to ever reach the triple digit pull count in modern Race to World First times!

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Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Day 3 Recap - Broodtwister Down, Evolving Raid Comps
Dratnos and Tettles are back with another series of Race to World First Daily Recap videos! These videos will be recorded daily after Liquid finishes raiding, meaning they should be released around 2am Pacific Time, near the start of the European guilds' day. Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into? Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. Dratnos and Tettles (and Kalamazi briefly!) are back for another day of Race to World First Recapping! Today's news is headlined by the eventual death of Broodtwister Ovinax, which lasted more than a hundred pulls before finally dying at the hands of Liquid. The composition used by Liquid, Echo, and Method has been a continually evolving and fascinating topic, and Dratnos and Tettles go over all of the changes that were made to secure the kill for Liquid, as well as predictions for how Echo and Method may adapt to try and secure the kill on their third days as well! Nexus Princess Ky'veza is up next for Liquid, and it looks like it may be an even tighter check than Ovinax, which was already extremely tight, being one of the earliest bosses in a raid to ever reach the triple digit pull count in modern Race to World First times! What do you think about the Race so far? Do you think Echo and Method will take down Ovinax today? Will Liquid be able to take down Ky'veza? Let us know what you think in the comments!
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