Features Rangers

Dark Ranger General's Ensemble - Customizable Sylvanas Inspired Transmog


Of the many collectable cosmetics coming with WoW's 20th Anniversary in Patch 11.0.5, the Sylvanas inspired Ensemble: Dark Ranger General's Kit features a wide variety of customization options for all classes and characters!

The expansive 13-piece ensemble can be worn by male or female characters, featuring a choice of full breastplate or partial vest for both.

Each of these chest pieces also has an alternate version that includes a quiver, which can by worn by any class. Finally, Hunters have the unique option of equipping a standalone quiver instead of the normal cloak.

The Dark Ranger General's Breastplate includes an attached quiver, while the alternate Dark Ranger General's Vest does not. The Dark Ranger General's Chestguard includes an attached quiver, while the alternate Dark Ranger General's Bodice does not.

This brings the total to 6 versions: four chests and two backpieces. Dark Ranger General's Hood helm Dark Ranger General's Spaulders shoulders Dark Ranger General's Chestguard full chestpiece with quiver Dark Ranger General's Chestguard partial chestpiece with quiver Dark Ranger General's Breastplate full chestpiece without quiver Dark Ranger General's Chestguard partial chestpiece without quiver Dark Ranger General's Bracers wrist Dark Ranger General's Gloves hands Dark Ranger General's Cinch waist Dark Ranger General's Leggings legs Dark Ranger General's Boots feet Dark Ranger General's Cloak cloak backpiece Dark Ranger General's Quiver Hunter-only Quiver backpiece The set can be worn by male or female characters in any combination.

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