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Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Day 5 Recap - Nexus Princess Still Alive, Exploiting Accusations

Dratnos and Tettles are back with another series of Race to World First Daily Recap videos! These videos will be recorded daily after Liquid finishes raiding, meaning they should be released around 2am Pacific Time, near the start of the European guilds' day. Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into?

Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. Drama abounds in today's Race to World First Recap, featuring accusations of exploiting which Dratnos and Tettles break down and give their takes on.

Let us know what you think, but make sure to stay civil and remember that there are human beings on the other side of the computer screen!

Nexus Princess Ky'veza has defied all expectations and survived to Sunday, and is approaching Halondrus levels of historic difficulty for a non-final-two boss.

Dratnos and Tettles give their takes on whether this is a good thing and if/when any nerfs should be deployed. They also talk about the comp shifts that have been required by the boss, including the shift from two to one tanks to squeeze out a little more damage!

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