Fighting Warcraft Target Progressive War Analysis information

Analyze and Improve Your Raid with Wipefest has announced Wipefest, a web-based tool to help raiders improve their gameplay and progress more efficiently, by analyzing raid logs to collects information on avoidable damage, debuff durations, dispel timings, enemy healing, tank swaps, soaks, and interrupts alongside Mythic Trap guides to visualize important encounter mechanics!

Navigating through Warcraft Logs can be difficult. Wipefest is here to help you narrow down your specific problem areas to improve.

Combine the personalized analysis with the visual guides of Mythic Trap to increase your group's success in the newest raid.

Help your raid conquer The War Within by getting an in-depth analysis of every boss' mechanics and how you deal with them on Wipefest today!

All bosses in Nerub-ar Palace are supported. Using Nexus-Princess Ky'veza as an example, Wipfest will automatically filter unavoidable damage done to players directly targeted by Regicide lines, while displaying a breakdown of the avoidable damage done to players who fail to get out of the way, creating more accurate view of your raid.

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