is unique in the Bethesda era of the franchise, given that it was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. With a more serious, roleplay orientated take on the franchise, it offers a completely different feel to the series, despite playing very similar to, and it resulted in a dedicated fandom.
It also has a decent modding scene, still receiving support after all these years, but that doesn't mean the game isn't showing its age.
Despite being an Obsidian Entertainment title, has all the quirks players have learned to associate with Bethesda.
These have soured like milk over the years, and the game still suffers from its rushed development. No game can overcome aging with time, and has done well to maintain the following it has, but with gaming about halfway through its current generation, some of the seams are beginning to fray.
Fallout: New Vegas just got even bigger thanks to a massive fan-made expansion that adds an entirely new area that further fleshes out the main story.