World of Warcraft: Sylvanas comes out today, March 29th, 2022. We received an early copy to review.
Banshee Queen of ControversyEver since Warcraft III, Sylvanas has been a favorite character with players, but she's also been inherently distant, complicated, and above all, controversial, with both players and in-game characters often finding it nearly impossible to quite figure her out. If you speak to a Forsaken, they may tell you how their Dark Lady gave them hope and a sense of family when no one else did. If you speak to a Worgen, they may talk about the terrible things she did in Gilneas, the death of their prince by her hand, and the Blight that was used on her orders. A Horde member might tell you Sylvanas was entirely innocent when it comes to the Wrathgate — betrayed by Putress as much as everyone else was — while an Alliance member may insist she was behind it all along. For years, glimpses into Sylvanas' own thoughts and motivations have been rare, and the Banshee Queen has played with her cards so close to her chest, it has often been impossible to work out exactly what she is thinking or how she feels about almost anything. This book, written from Sylvanas' point of view, finally gives us some insight into her perspective on some of her character's most major events, and yet, true to form, a lot of it is still wrapped up and hidden away under Sylvanas' own attempts to conceal the truth — not only from the reader, but from herself.
Life in Quel'thelasThe story begins with Sylvanas' childhood, and the chapters about her life as a High Elf of Quel'thelas are, to me, the most 'Christie Goldeny' parts of the book. Golden paints, as always, a beautiful and captivating picture, filled with vivid imagery and