The once villainous son of Wolverine, Akihiro, also known as Daken, is set to appear on a new X-Men team, the relaunched Marauders led by Kate Pryde, during the mutants upcoming Destiny of X era. In a preview for the upcoming one-shot, Marauders Annual #1 Daken is mercilessly defeated by the demonic Brimstone Love from the Marvel 2099 future (also known as alternate reality Earth-928).
The revamped Marauders team led by Pryde first debuted in 2019 as one of several new Dawn of X titles featuring the mutants in their new Krakoan home, dealing with threats internal, domestic, and galactic. Marauders featured a group of X-Men heroes and former villains working to rescue mutants being held in anti-mutant nations and keep the Hellfire Trading Company's assets safe. Now, Pryde is reforming the swashbuckling team with a new crew of mutants (and a new creative team, with Steve Orlando replacing Gerry Duggan), and their first major mission is to save Daken from the clutches of Brimstone Love and the disturbing Theater of Pain.
Related: The X-Men Still Haven't Solved Kate Pryde's Greatest Mystery
Marauders Annual #1 — written by Steve Orlando with art by Creees Hyunsung Lee and Rain Beredo — will feature a team comprised of Kate Pryde, Bishop, Tempo, Psylocke, and Aurora as the contend with the new status quo on Krakoa and fight to keep the island nation safe from threats. In an exclusive preview given to AIPT the new era for the Marauders starts off with a massive bang, and the official synopsis for the one-shot annual reveals:
With Kate Pryde at the helm, the Marauders are ready to renew their mission of mutant rescue! She’s got the mission – all she needs now is a new boat and a fresh crew to match. Pryde