The first major Crusader Kings 3 expansion, Royal Court, has been a long time coming, finally launching earlier this week. The DLC could well be the biggest one yet in Paradox's grand strategy roster, with new culture mechanics, a duelling system and, among other things, a fully rendered 3D court in which to show off your heirlooms, schmooze guests and slip some hemlock in their goblets if they misbehave.
But all this grandeur comes at a price—£25/$30 to be precise—making Royal Court a fair bit more expensive than the £15/$20 pricepoint that Paradox's big expansions traditionally come in at. Whether or not the bumped-up tax in the Crusader Kings holding is justified, the players are revolting.
At the time of writing, the expansion has a 'Mixed' rating on Steam, with exactly 50% of players giving it the thumbs-down and many of those negative reviews pointing to the price.
Skipping over the rabble of semi-coherent rage reviews, even amidst the positive reviews some players feel it's a tad pricey. One reviewer, Dr. Ramses, had this to say: «Got the Royal Edition and the expansion really adds a lot of depth and a whole new layer of complexity but I agree with the negging, $30 is a lot to ask for this.» There's even an admittance of shameless loyalty from Bo, who wrote, quite succinctly: «It's expensive for what it is buuut… I'm a cuck for Paradox.»
Over on Reddit, the discussion has been more nuanced, with one of the most upvoted comments in a thread coming from Redditor Gh0stMask, who said:
«I have to say, that I absolutely love the new DLC, mixing cultures was something I wished for since launch of the game. But I think the big problem is the really high price. I mean they do deliver and in my opinion very good, but it's