After a long hiatus caused by a hack at Toei Animation's servers, the One Piece anime is finally making a grand return as the Wano Country arc hurtles towards its biggest fights. With the Raid on Onigashima having begun, the stage is set for the biggest of events which sees Luffy and the Worst Generation go up against Kaido and Big Mom for the very first time. It goes without saying that since the War of Marineford, this is the biggest event in the entire story and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that this is possibly even bigger.
Although the series returns with Episode 1014 on April 17, all eyes are on One Piece episode 1015, which is going to be the adaptation of the iconic chapter 1000 of the series and is going to be, perhaps, the very best One Piece episode in all its years of airing since it began in 1999 — all thanks to the brilliant team handling the episode, led by the talented Megumi Ishitani.
Why Manga-only Fans Should Watch the One Piece Anime
Known to be one of the most talented young directors in the anime industry, Megumi Ishitani attended the Tokyo University of the Arts and due to her immense skill, she succeeded in making her way to the GEIDAI Animation Program – an extremely prestigious program known to admit only about a dozen students a year. In 2015, Megumi Ishitani graduated from the program and a year later, she was already a part of the Dragon Ball Super staff, which just goes to show how quickly she made progress. At Toei Animation, Ishitani has risen through the ranks incredibly fast and become what is one of the best directors the studio currently has, if not the very best. Her first work on the Dragon Ball Super series was directing the fifth ending in 2016, and the seventh ending in 2017.