This week's Hallowfall Fishing Derby quest tasks players with catching a Trophy Nibbling Minnow, Trophy Arathor Hammerfish, and Trophy Queen's Lurefish, but where can these Fish be found?
The Hallowfall Fishing Derby in The War Within
Note: Once you accept this quest, you will only have one real-time hour to catch Trophy Fish and earn Mereldar Derby Mark. If you abandon the quest or log off while the Derby Dasher buff is active, the timer will continue to run off. Once the Derby Dasher buff expires, players will not be able to acquire this buff again until next week's quest is available.
Nibbling Minnow
The first, and most common of these Trophy fish, Nibbling Minnow, can be found in any zone of Khaz Algar, most commonly fished from Calm Surfacing Ripple.
Arathor Hammerfish
As the name implies, the Arathor Hammerfish can only be found in the zone of Hallowfall from Blood in the Water.
Queen's Lurefish
Finally, the Queen's Lurefish can be caught in either Hallowfall or Azj-Kahet from the somewhat elusive Royal Ripple. Beware, if you attempt to fish from these pools with a low Fishing Skill, as you could come up with a few Cursed Ghoulfish instead! However, throwing a Regal Dottyback into the Royal Ripple can help prevent Cursed Ghoulfish from showing up and will clear the waters for the Queen's Lurefish.
Mereldar Derby Marks
After you've caught the three Trophy Fish, you will continue to earn 1 Mereldar Derby Mark for each unique fish you catch while you still have Derby Dasher active. Check out our Fishing Guide to learn where all of the other Fish of Khaz Algar can be found!
Fishing Profession Overview for The War Within