My Dress-Up Darlingis a romantic comedy anime featuring a cheerful gyaru named Marin Kitagawa, and Wakana Gojo, a shy boy who wants to be a hina doll maker. Marin wants to cosplay as her favorite game characters, but she doesn't know anything about dressmaking. On the contrary, Gojo knows how to make dresses, but he doesn't know anything about Cosplay.
Thus begin their journey into the fascinating world of Cosplay. From choosing what types of fabric to use, sewing the dress, and even going to Cosplay events, they learn how to do all of those on the fly. That's why the viewers can also gain some valuable insight about Cosplay through both of these characters. The following are some of the things that this heartwarming anime can teach you about Cosplay.
Romance Anime To Watch If You Love My Dress-Up Darling
There are lots of places, online or otherwise, that sell pre-made costumes for the sole purpose of Cosplay. The more popular the characters are, the higher the chance that you'll be able to find a wide variety of pre-made costumes.
Store-bought costumes like that are fine if you simply want to use the same costume as the one that your favorite characters are wearing. However, if you're anything like Marin Kitagawa, then you'd want to truly transform into your favorite characters, not just wearing something similar to them. In that case, you'd need a costume that is specifically made for you.
Body measurements are highly different from one person to the next. That's why if you want to wear a costume that would look perfect on your body, customization is absolutely necessary. You don't even have to start from scratch. Buying pre-made costumes and then adjusting them to perfectly suit your body will yield a way better result