So begins the final issue of DC's Earth-Prime, the six-issue comic book limited series that brought together the heroes of the publisher's CW TV universe in a story set in Arrowverse canon. Characters like Batwoman, the Flash, and more starred in each of one of the series' six issues, challenged by the machinations of a shadowy Big Bad. Now that Big Bad is coming into the spotlight to conclude his plan, and it spells chaos for the heroes of Earth-Prime.
Earth-Prime's superheroes came from their TV home to comic books for this multiversal, in-continuity adventure, so it would make sense that the story reverberates in the Arrowverse going forward. But how much it does and whether it will at all is apparently a mixed bag.
Since the series finale just went on sale June 21, we'll start with one of these before we explain:
Earth-Prime #6: Hero's Twilight is drawn by Will Robson, written by Jeff Hersh and Thomas Pound, colored by Alex Sinclair, and lettered by Tom Napolitano. If you've been keeping up with Newsarama's coverage of Earth-Prime, you know the comic's Big Bad is Magog, originally introduced in the pages of the landmark comic book series Kingdom Come.
Unlike his comics counterpart, the CW-verse iteration of Magog seeks to end humanity's dependence on superheroes. To do so, he's assembled a team of villains including the mind-warping Evil Eye, the shape-shifting Clayface, the Flash villain Bloodwork (put in a pin in that), and an alternate-reality version of Kal-El. Together, they become a threat that will require every one of Earth-Prime's heroes to defeat.
Unfortunately, most of them have disappeared.
After every confrontation between hero and villain, a strange green mist makes the headliners of the
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