The Run of Challenger attempts have officially ended in League of Legends for Tyler1. In his latest livestream, while controlling Nautilus, Tyler1 hit Challenger in the support role after just 443 games - the last class in the gauntlet.
The League of Legends streamer proved he’s just built different as he celebrated his victory and ended his challenge once and for all.
The League of Legends streamer played his last game in Grandmaster this morning, with his Nautilus going 1/1/7 and ending the game at level 9 on his champion. A brutal team fight ended with Tyler1’s team smashing through both Nexus Towers and the Nexus itself in one go.
The streamer cheered and celebrated, turning the music up louder as the Nexus began to fall. When he declared the run over, he showed where he stood on the rankings.
Though his position on the leaderboard is yet unconfirmed, Tyler1 declared the challenge complete once and for all, while his chat celebrated with him.
90% of his games were in the support role and his record showed 242 Wins/201 Losses, according to NA.OP.GG. He played a wide variety of support champions, with a greater than 60% win rate on 9 of them - even if some of those champions had only 1 game played.
Nonetheless, the League of Legends streamer completed his challenge with the adulation of his audience. Reddit immediately chimed in to talk about the incredible accomplishment as well.
Several of the Reddit users celebrated Tyler1’s victory, talking about how he makes it all look easy.
Then there were the people talking about how support is the most OP role, and the support mains are generally just in shambles as Tyler shows he’s the best.
A bit of discussion broke out about the power of the support role as well, where some feel