Twitch streamer Simon "Thebausffs" took to Twitter to reveal that he was banned from playing League of Legends on the grounds of "intentionally feeding." He also mentioned that he would have to serve a 14-day suspension and jokingly stated that he would go "touch grass."
In a two-part update, he tweeted:
Thebausffs played Quinn during the concluding moments of his January 20 livestream and lost the game after accumulating 18 deaths.
After the game ended, the streamer was notified that the client's session had expired and that he needed to log in again. Simon noticed something was wrong and stated:
The Swede laughed nervously, wanting to know how long his suspension would last. When he returned to the game, League of Legends informed him that his account had been suspended for 14 days. The in-game message read:
Timestamp: 06:37:20
The Twitch streamer called the incident "annoying" and exclaimed:
Before ending the livestream, Thebausffs stated that he anticipated the ban, adding that 18 deaths in a single match was a "little big high":
The Twitch streamer getting banned from League of Legends was the top post on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, with more than 120 fans providing their takes. Here's what they had to say:
For context, Thebausffs rose to prominence by climbing to the top of the competitive game's ranked ladder in an innovative manner. He devised the "Inting Sion" strategy, in which he primarily played Sion and used the champion's passive ability to claim various objectives in the game (such as towers) by dying repeatedly.
However, the content creator's out-of-the-box gameplay style landed him in hot water as he was banned from the South Korean League of Legends server back in April 26, 2022.
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