The Transformers franchise has featured no shortage of beloved characters, from the heroic Optimus Prime to the courageous Bumblebee to the scheming Starscream. And of course, there’s the most iconic villain in the entire series — the despotic Decepticon leader, Megatron.
However, even though Megatron has appeared in every Transformers film to date (except 2018’s Bumblebee), all of his big-screen appearances have depicted him as little more than a two-dimensional conqueror. And while that portrayal is certainly accurate to the original cartoon Megatron, the character has received much more compelling portrayals in recent media. In order to understand the kind of character that Megatron could be in the movies, it’s time to take a look at the kind of character he’s become in the comics.
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There have been lots of Transformers comics over the decades, but the ones that have become most popular with the fans come from IDW Publishing’s original continuity, which ran from 2005 to 2018. The IDW comics feature a new take on the series’ classic characters — heavily based on the original cartoon, but reinvented for modern sensibilities. The backstory for IDW’s Megatron was originally featured in the aptly named Megatron Origin miniseries written by Eric Holmes, but would be fleshed out even further in later stories under the pen of James Roberts.
In this continuity, Megatron started out not as a villain, but as a victim — he was once an ordinary Cybertronian who wanted to be a medic. But thanks to the strict caste system enforced by the power-hungry Senate, Megatron was forced to live as a miner. He decided to vent his frustrations with the status quo by becoming a writer, earning infamy with his