Pyke is arguably one of the most notorious champions to play against in League of Legends. His ability to dash in and out of fights, hook enemies, lock them in place and execute low health bar ADCs has made him one of the most feared support to play against.
However, just Pyke is not meant to be invincible. There are quite a few counter picks that can neutralize him quite well and make sure that he is unable to do anything within the rest of the game.
Counter picks does not mean that an average player will be able to showcase the same effectiveness when facing a highly competent Pyke. Therefore, skill differences will still come into play, apart from the usual lane awareness, warding and positioning.
Either way, the following list will atleast ensure that players who end up encountering a Pyke in a game will not have to remain scared and show more confidence in the bot-lane.
Maokai might not be the most popular champion in the current meta, but he is definitely worth picking as a counter to Pyke in the game. Firstly, he is a bit tanky and can effectively shield the ally ADC, while also dealing with Pyke's hooks quite well.
Secondly, he can both knockback Pyke and stun him in place, which practically neutralizes most of Pyke's kit. Finally, his ultimate can also effectively root Pyke not just in the lane but also in teamfights. The only problem is that his ultimate can be dodged unless the fight breaks out at a chokepoint or in a constricted space.
Despite being a squishy champion, Soraka is one of the best counters to Pyke in the current meta. As it stands, she has a win rate of 53.98%, which is quite high.
The reason why she is so good is quite apparent. Pyke relies on mobility and his E ability to re-position himself quickly