Tokyo Revengers is an ongoing manga written by author and illustrator Ken Wakui, published by Kodansha, that debuted in March 2017. The series started getting a lot of attention after the release of season 1 of the anime in April 2021. Just three months after the end of season 1, the second season was greenlit, which goes to show how successful the first season had been.
Tokyo Revengers: 6 Characters We Hope To See In The Second Live Action Film
The Tokyo Revengers manga is currently on its 29th volume and has seen a great rise in sales, thanks to the first season of the anime. Now, all eyes are on the second season, which, if handled well and faithful to the manga, would see the manga get an even bigger boost. With incredible characters, terrific action and a deeper-than-ever dive into the gangs, the second season has fans excited in anticipation already. As fans know, the first season of the series was made up of 24 episodes covering the Touman Arc, The Moebius arc, and the Valhalla arc. Tokyo Revengers Season 2, which will be released in January 2023, will also probably feature around 24 episodes, and will most likely be covering the Black Dragon arc and Tenjiku arc.
To discuss the events of the upcoming season, fans need to dive into the major events of the first season first. Tokyo Revengers started with Takemichi, a 26-year-old virgin, who had no real purpose in his life until one day, while he was watching the news, he saw a familiar name in Tachibana Hinata, his ex-girlfriend from middle school. Hinata was murdered by the Yakuza.
After he almost died, he goes back 12 years in the past and makes it his mission to save her. Quite a lot happens during his mission to save Hinata, and he ends up joining the Tokyo Manji